- Apr 16 Sat 2016 18:48
組員--Aries的Finding Out2
- Apr 16 Sat 2016 18:41
組員--Aries的Finding Out1
- Apr 16 Sat 2016 18:17
關於Finding Out 的更詳細部分
- Apr 16 Sat 2016 00:24
- Apr 15 Fri 2016 21:36
- Apr 15 Fri 2016 21:05
關於Tuning In的更詳細部分
- Apr 15 Fri 2016 20:37
- Apr 15 Fri 2016 11:37
有問題或建議的話也可以放在留言板! XD
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:58
組員--Justin的Sorting out A
sorting out A
A:Create a graphic organizer that sorts all the information you have learned into your central idea and lines of inquires. Some information may go in many places.
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:51
組員--Charlie的Finding out 5
ocean pollution and overfishing can hurt fish and ocean environment. ocean pollution partakers physical pollution and chemical contamination. In the Pacific into huge garbage swirls slowly swallow our oceans.small point, there is humans, but we may be able to use the method of "we" is. Although I am just an ordinary primary school, but I might whereabouts of public advocacy, placing collection boxes in convenience stores and so on ..... this is what we can do, this site I learned a lot, so it our theme is helpful.
We know that we eat fish are important sources of protein, but if we have been caught up over the fish will continue to become extinct. Now very advanced fishing methods, but also accelerate let extinct ecosystem, bottom trawling of the seabed coral reefs enclose completely. Whether people eat fish or small fish, so fish can not regenerate fish, small fish can not grow up. So fish are not necessarily on our meal fresh.
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:51
組員--Charlie的Finding out 5
ocean pollution and overfishing can hurt fish and ocean environment. ocean pollution partakers physical pollution and chemical contamination. In the Pacific into huge garbage swirls slowly swallow our oceans.small point, there is humans, but we may be able to use the method of "we" is. Although I am just an ordinary primary school, but I might whereabouts of public advocacy, placing collection boxes in convenience stores and so on ..... this is what we can do, this site I learned a lot, so it our theme is helpful.
We know that we eat fish are important sources of protein, but if we have been caught up over the fish will continue to become extinct. Now very advanced fishing methods, but also accelerate let extinct ecosystem, bottom trawling of the seabed coral reefs enclose completely. Whether people eat fish or small fish, so fish can not regenerate fish, small fish can not grow up. So fish are not necessarily on our meal fresh.
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:50
組員--Charlie的Finding out 4
Our theme is "ocean pollution", but in fact, the organization's main advocate is "pollution", and the most of the trash is plastic.
So this site is talking about how to prevent ocean pollution, look for stars to shoot advertising ......
These made me realize how to prevent marine pollution, even if I'm just such a
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:48
組員--Charlie的Finding out 3
在介紹這個視頻,他們談論那個時候有些像涼爽,但現在卻是非常嚴重的污染。 {現場雜誌}只是介紹這個東西叫做[投擲得出的結論生活。據說能幫助別人是在房子的人的工作並不需要洗的盤子,碗。我知道這是在那個時代很方便,但這樣做事情的傢伙,你要知道,這個活會佔用大量的空間和無細菌,微生物,動物可以分解的塑料。只有我們人類做出自然不能消化的方式。和塑料也更難回收.那邊有一個老師他們用小少數說,只有不到5%的百分比可以回收塑料。
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:46
組員--Charlie的Finding out 2
人們為了省錢,他們會讓污水,骨灰倒進海裡,廢水和垃圾...... 投擲攻擊進入河流和大海。每個人都認為這有一點點是好的。但是,如果每個人都扔垃圾入海,會變成怎麼樣?海洋一直累積這麼多垃圾,污水流進大海,或會出頭污染海洋,它會讓被海洋覆蓋傷口。而且,由於這個原因,動物被滅絕!像南北極,他們都由於全球變暖,冰川融化。讓北極熊,企鵝,海豹,海獅,海象或者一些動物沒有棲息地,這些動物都面臨著沒有食物,無處藏身,或一些危機!儘管人們採取他們對水族館,給他們足夠的食物和家裡,但他們認為他們的感覺?
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:36
組員--Aries的Finding out 5
v) magazine article (you must show that this magazine article is a good source of information about your topic)
The URL: http://goo.gl/gzHNah
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:34
組員--Aries的Finding out 4
iv) book (you must show that this book is a good source of information about your topic),
出版社:陸陸參十陸有限公司 出品
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:25
組員--Aries的Finding out 3
iii) internet site (you must show that this site is a good source of information about your topic),
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:23
組員--Justin的Finding out 5
iv) book (you must show that this book is a good source of information about your topic),
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:22
組員--Justin的Finding out 4
vi) video (you must show that this video is a good source of information
about you topic)
- Apr 27 Wed 2016 10:21
組員--Justin的Finding out 3
vi) video (you must show that this video is a good source of information about your topic)影片(你必須證明這個影片是對你的主題有幫助的)