







Aries的Going Further!


vi) video (you must show that this video is a good source of information about your topic)



This video is use the English language, so I will use English to write this Going Further.


In the introduction, video said there have a person called Boyan. One day, when he went to diving in the ocean, he see that the plastic bags are more than fish.

People throws plastic bags and other trash in to the rivers and plastic bags, trash travel to the open water(Like ocean).

Then, currents in the ocean push the trash around and concentrate it in huge areas.


And the animals in the sea will eaten these trash, so it even make it’s way by us.


Boyan think that how can we get these plastic, trash out to the ocean?

Than, let’s talk about Boyan’s story!

When Boyan was seventeen, he came up with a plan for an installation to clean our oceans.


After he prsenting this, he gained the support of a hundred scientist, enginners and volunteers who established that the concept is feasible!

This is Boyan’s idea. The trash floats towards a hundred kilometers wide barrier.

The animals in the sea will be safely passes underneath while the current pushes the plastic towards the centre.


And here, a conveyor belt and a bump scoop up the plastic. Than a ship come to here by every six weeks to pick up the trash and recycling. Are’nt it sound good?

But, to build the first things like this, the team need at least two million dollars (U.S.B)

So, at the end of the video, it said that this video is made by And they need your support and donate money to them,if you want to help them to do this things, please go to this website. Yo!


So I think that in our Exhibition we can make some video to let peoples easy to know more about iur action.

    Aries Going Further 1

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